Somebody Oughta Do Something About It
We have BIG news! Read all about it....
We have BIG news! Read all about it....
Owner surrenders are swamping this tiny county as they labor on offering foster care and advocating for spay/neuter.
Saving Webster Dogs is truly saving Webster County's dogs (without the help or funding of Webster County). You'll be amazed at what these remarkable women do and, if you're a hound lover, you're in for a visual treat! Please read, share, and help @SavingWebsterDogs if you can.
Fact: Rescue is hard. What's even harder? Rescuing pit bulls.
Our second week on tour coincided with Hurricane Ida, which thankfully skirted around the places we planned to visit mostly dumping a bit of rain here and there. We were able to rearrange our visits and move our one all-day…
Traveling through the south this time around feels different. It’s not just the masks that are sometimes prevalent and other times completely absent. As we wind through the mountains on our way to Nashville, I wondered about priorities. Is it…
As we walked through several municipal pounds in Tennessee, I kept thinking, “Thank God for Amber.” Truly. She and her husband Brandon and their rescue Halfway Home are the only hope for too many animals whose lives could so easily…
The first time I talked to Dave Hollingshead, the street supervisor and defacto dogcatcher for Hayti, Missouri, I learned two things— 1)You pronounce Hayti, not like the Caribbean country, but Hay-tie, as in a bale of hay and a tie…
After spending part of our day at the Ripley Trade Market nightmare, it was wonderful to spend some time with Meridith Perry, the president of Midsouth Animal Welfare Foundation, whose rescue partners with OPH(our rescue) in Mississippi to save dogs.…
I’d heard about the Animal Rescue Corps before, snippets mentioned by other rescue people in passing, but nothing solid, nothing that I thought had anything to do with the world of dog rescue I inhabited. I pictured a group of…