
Private animal shelters often are built near public shelters to do the job that the tax-payer funded shelter is not. They literally rescue dogs from the public shelter. Why is more not expected from a government run shelter? Why do citizens pay for two shelters - one with their taxes and the other with their donations (and hearts)? And why, pray tell, do we allow this to go on?

Smart shelter practices that save every dog don't have to cost a lot of money, but if money is what is needed here is a model for how local volunteers can help a public shelter @savingcheathamanimals

Traveling through the south this time around feels different. It’s not just the masks that are sometimes prevalent and other times completely absent. As we wind through the mountains on our way to Nashville, I wondered about priorities. Is it

In 2017, the Dyersburg-Dyer County Humane Society was killing as many as 90% of the animals it took in. When I heard those numbers and that date, I had to ask Diana, the president of Paws To Care, to tell

After our day with All 4s in Memphis, we were dirty and tired but we still had one more stop—Horn Lake Animal Shelter. We were headed there because of a woman named Julia who had contacted me shortly before we

Okay, the first thing I need you to do before you read this post is park your anger somewhere. You’ll need to set it aside and listen with an open mind and heart. And remember that anger won’t solve this