
Something magical happened when we visited STAR – Saving the Animals of Rowan in Rowan County, Kentucky, close to the Ohio border. It’s only happened on one other of the 150+ shelter visits we’ve made. (And maybe this won’t seem

Excerpt from Who Will Let the Dogs Out: Stories and Solutions for Shelters and Rescues No matter their economic status, the places where they were saving every healthy, adoptable dog and housing them humanely shared three elements in common: leadership,

We can’t save them all. That’s what I’m telling myself as my heart is crushed knowing a dog I so wanted to save is being euthanized today. I’m getting a tiny taste of what so many shelter directors and ACOs

Franklin County Humane Society Planned Pethood & Adoption Center (FCHS) is quite the intentional mouthful, but its wordy name explains it all. Humane care, advocating and offering planned pethood, and adopting out animals. The nonprofit shelter and clinic located about

You know something is different from the moment you pull onto the campus at Rockingham Harrisonburg SPCA. They hadn’t opened yet to the public, but the parking lot was filling up and the place was bustling with volunteers walking dogs,

Private animal shelters often are built near public shelters to do the job that the tax-payer funded shelter is not. They literally rescue dogs from the public shelter. Why is more not expected from a government run shelter? Why do citizens pay for two shelters - one with their taxes and the other with their donations (and hearts)? And why, pray tell, do we allow this to go on?